Climbing is a fantastic activity to offer your students for one of their GCSE PE Modules. Our GCSE Group Courses follow NICAS: the National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme, which is recognised by all of the major GCSE & A Level Exam Boards and is sure to widen your students knowledge, and breadth of experience in sport!

Our GCSE PE Groups follow NICAS: the National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme, which is recognised by all of the major GCSE & A Level examination boards.
As part of the course structure we'll be looking at climbing, belaying, and keeping safe on walls up to 12.5 metres tall. Your students will develop skills in movement, team building, as well as develop trust in each other, and grow their personal confidence as well as experience with alternative sports.
You can book yourself onto one of our courses for your students conveniently and easily online. Our courses run in half termly blocks, this should give your students enough time to gain Level 1 NICAS, and allow them to have made a sufficient number of climbs on a range of different styles of walls to meet and exceed the requirements of the majority of the GCSE awarding bodies. It should also provide them with enough experience and proficiency for them to be safe and able to retain the knowledge they've learnt so they can further progress outside of school if desired.

The majority of your sessions will be spent on our Tall Walls, these are 12.5 metre roped climbing walls. Your students will learn everything from the basics of putting on a harness correctly, to how to belay and keep safe at all times, all under the supervision of our qualified and experienced instructors.
Bouldering is climbing (upto 4.5m) but with deep matting surrounding the walls instead of a rope. During the bouldering elements of our course, your students will develop their personal climbing, and have an introduction into climbing technique and skills. With 3 areas of bouldering across our centre, on walls of varying styles, there's plenty for your students to climb, and plenty of variety to satisfy the exam boards! These sessions are all run by our wonderful instructors & coaches who have a wealth of experience.

We have all the paperwork and documents you could dream of! Send our lovely reception team an email to: shrewsbury@climbinghut.com and they'll get everything sent your way in a jiffy!